Do you know how to prevent chimney fires? You clean it regularly, ideally in the spring and summer, when you’re not using your fireplace. Chimney cleaning may not seem like a priority but believe it or not, most people end up with injuries due to dirty or clogged chimneys. That is why you must care for it properly.

The fireplace should be cleaned regularly at home, while thorough chimney cleaning should be done right before a chimney inspection because the expert can confidently detect if there are any problems with the heating system. Let’s look at four reasons you need to clean that chimney out every year.

Lower the risk of a fire hazard

The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) warns homeowners to keep their chimneys clean to avoid any fire hazards that can occur due to negligence. A chimney fire can be caused by accumulated creosote in the smoke chamber, chimney liner, and firebox.

Creosote is the highly flammable tar from burning wood and coal, and a chimney is usually full of it. Since you can’t stop the accumulation of creosote, you can and should get a chimney sweep to clean it instead. If the creosote is paper-thin, then you can use your fireplace. But if the thickness is 1/8 of an inch or more, you need to call a chimney cleaner. If the thickness is ¼ of an inch, you need to stop using the fireplace altogether.

Prevent illness

You may not even think that your chimney can make you unwell but it’s true. Your chimney contains many dangerous substances that can cause respiratory issues and skin diseases. The best solution is to keep the chimney clean with the help of a professional. The cleaning will significantly improve the quality of the air and reduce the allergens in your home’s atmosphere.

Remove any blockages

Many things can enter your chimney when you don’t put on a cap over your chimney crown. Most people prefer to keep the crown open, which isn’t harmful until it invites debris into your chimney. This can lead to a blockage, which means that smoke and carbon monoxide will travel back inside your home instead of exiting through the chimney.

Get rid of bad odors

An excessive buildup of the creosote and soot can cause a pungent smell in your interior. This odor also clings to your furniture, carpets, and curtains. Nobody wants their home to smell like fire or burning so get a good annual deep clean to avoid this condition.

At CT Chimney Repair, we take the safety of your loved ones seriously by providing thorough chimney cleaning in CT. Our authentic and reliable chimney experts are also trained to provide other chimney services in Connecticut as well.

We provide chimney inspections in CT and chimney repair services in CT. Reach out to us today for more information.