It’s easy to take your chimney for granted since it’s not something you see constantly. However, chimneys can develop serious problems too that can affect not just the fireplace but your entire house.

A damaged chimney can translate into a serious fire hazard if not tended to at the right time. Here are some clear indications for you to schedule a chimney inspection immediately.


When water evaporates from a surface, it leaves a white stain called Efflorescence. Wiping the stain away is very easy. However, that doesn’t solve the underlying problem.

Efflorescence is an obvious indication of excess moisture being present in the masonry. This  can cause premature deterioration of the chimney if not dealt with immediately.

Not to forget, it could lead to other problems, such as a leaky chimney.


Your firebox and damper must be rust-free; if it’s not, it’s a clear sign of excess moisture in your chimney.

If the damper isn’t sealing shut like it used to or isn’t as smooth, it’s because of rusting.

If the rusting is past the sealing stage and is visible, it means that there is enough moisture in your chimney to cause other severe damages, such as a cracked flue or a damaged liner.

Deteriorated Mortar Joints

Mortar is the cement and sand mixture that helps structure your chimney and seal the joints. If your mortar joints are damaged, they should be repaired quickly since cracks can lead to further moisture exposure. This accelerates the deterioration of your entire chimney.

During cold weather, the moisture between the cracks can freeze, which upon thawing, can develop large gaps in your bricks and rocks. Over time, these cracks and moisture can collapse your chimney.


When the top surface of the brick, concrete, or stone begins to peel off and fall, it’s called spalling. Spalling is another common sign of moisture damage.

Spalling usually happens on the outside of your chimney, which means the inner bricks will be exposed to harsh weather conditions, damaging your chimney’s structural integrity.

Chimney repointing is the best solution for spalling. The technicians carefully remove and replace the damaged parts of the chimney with new material that matches the rest of the chimney.

Damaged brick chimney

It’s evident that moisture is the greatest enemy for your chimney and fireplace. Since moisture can seep through material and travel through minor cracks, it’s hard to detect it until the damage is already visible.

With annual chimney inspections, you’ll have nothing to worry about. Our professionals from CT Chimney Repairs can detect even the smallest problem and fix it for you in time.

Visit our website for more information.