Sitting by the warm, cozy fire is just what everyone looks forward to during the cold. Although fireplaces add beauty and make your house feel homely, we cannot deny the safety hazards involved. Every year more than 25,000 chimney fires occur across America because people fail to identify that their chimneys are deteriorating. Therefore, we emphasize a quick chimney inspection to be on the safe side.

Here are all the signs that you should look out for in case your house needs a new chimney:

1. Worn-out Mortar

One common way to deduce that your chimney needs to be replaced is by checking out the mortar. If the mortar between the bricks appears to be worn out, it’s a clear indication that your chimney requires repairs. Large cracks and holes are likely to appear in the mortar as your chimney ages and can impact the bricks.

2. Rust

Rusty chimney.

The damper and the firebox shouldn’t be rusty. If you happen to detect moisture in your chimney such that it doesn’t operate properly, the damper must have rust on it. Excessive moisture inside the chimney often leads to rust, which in turn causes cracked tiles. Either way, when rust decides to show itself, it’s time for you to get a new chimney!

3. Obvious Holes and Cracks

Just like the mortar, you should keenly observe the bricks of your chimney. With time, these bricks might begin to hole up or form cracks. These are signs of obvious damage that one shouldn’t ignore. An expensive replacement is far better than costing the lives of your loved ones. So, if you notice missing or broken bricks, resolve the problem before a bigger issue takes place.

4. Irregular Functioning

Since a large portion of your chimney system is hidden within the walls of your house, it can be difficult to detect damage at times. Nevertheless, you should look out for any unusual symptoms that may occur. For instance, excessive smoke or trouble keeping the fire going are indicators that your chimney needs repairs.

If you’ve noticed any of these issues in your chimney, feel free to utilize our Chimney Repair Services. Our masons at CT Chimney Repairs will ensure your house is safe and secure by fulfilling all your chimney needs! For more details, contact us today!