A lot of homeowners have chimneys that need cleaning on a weekly or even monthly basis.

Not cleaning your chimney regularly might lead to chimney fires and other potential damages.

Here’s a list by a   chimney cleaning service specialist of some common mistakes to avoid when having your chimney cleaned.

  1. Putting a bucket over the opening of your fireplace to collect soot While this system is popular because it’s easy for homeowners with large fireplaces and does prevent ash from getting all over the floor, it only collects soot instead of removing it altogether.
  2. Failing to use a long enough brush

A brush needs to be at least 16 inches long so it can reach all of the areas that need cleaning. It should also be a heavy-duty one if you have large amounts of soot in your chimney because regular ones won’t be able to handle it.

  1. Using a chimney crane that is too small or failing to use one at all

Using a larger crane means that you won’t accidentally drop anything into your chimney, and it also means that you’ll be able to clean your chimney a lot faster.

  1. Not getting the water level in the fireplace high enough during cleaning

Water needs cover the damper completely, because if there are any holes in it then soot will just fall back down into your fireplace instead of getting swept up by the water.

  1. Not using chemicals that are recommended by a professional

While some people use baking soda instead of sand for their chimneys if this is something you’re thinking about doing then discuss it with a professional first because they will know best whether or not this is safe for your chimney.

  1. Using metal bristles or brushes for cleaning

It’s recommended that you use a nylon brush for this since they’re less abrasive and can get to hard-to-reach places much easier than metal brushes can.

  1. Cleaning the damper before cleaning the chimney

It’s best to sweep the chimney first, and then clean the damper separately so nothing falls through it into the flue and makes it harder for you to reach all of the nooks and crannies when you’re cleaning.

a house requiring chimney cleaning

All of these tips may seem like they’re super easy to do but that’s far from the truth. Not only does cleaning a chimney require skills and knowledge, but it’s also dangerous. So why not leave it to the professionals who can get the job done right?

Hire Chimney Repair in CT

If you’re looking for one of the best chimney cleaning services in Connecticut, we’ve got you covered. Our trained professional offers quality chimney cleaning services at affordable prices. We also offer chimney sweeps, fireplace installation, masonry services, and more.

Contact us to find out more.