Fireplaces are both aesthetically pleasing and relaxing.

However, if your fireplace is used regularly, you must have it inspected and cleaned properly to ensure your family’s safety.

You must understand that severe damage leads to expensive repairs, so scheduling chimney cleaning at least once a year is recommended to help it function properly for a longer time.

Why Is Chimney Cleaning Crucial? 

Of all the chores you plan to do in your home, chances are, cleaning the chimney is not on your list.

You should avoid DIY chimney tips and opt for hiring a professional to ensure the job is done right.

Here are three reasons why chimney cleaning is super important.

1. Keeping Your Home Safe From Fires 

Sooty buildup can cause a fire that can damage your chimney and spread to your home.

Excessive creosote buildup—the remaining residue from wood burning in your fireplace—is extremely flammable, especially if you have a system that isn’t functioning properly.

2. It Helps Prevent Foul Odors

Leaving too much creosote buildup can cause an unpleasant odor. It is essential to let a professional chimney sweep company address underlying issues that may be causing the scent.

If left untreated, you will have to deal with a foul odor in your home during the entire season.

3. Proper Maintenance Makes the Chimney Last Longer

An average chimney lasts 15-50 years. The longer it lasts depends directly on the kind of maintenance you carry out during its life.

When you hire a chimney sweep regularly for home maintenance, you significantly boost your system’s lifespan and save thousands of dollars on extensive repairs that often go unnoticed.

 A well-decorated living room

A well-decorated living room

How Often Should Chimney Cleaning Be Scheduled?

It is best to go for annual maintenance. However, if you suspect an issue in the middle, don’t hesitate to call a professional for a fix.

When Should a Chimney Be Inspected? 

If your chimney isn’t cleaned or inspected for a long time and you face performance issues, you must ask a contractor to inspect your chimney.

Apart from that, if you’ve bought a new chimney, fireplace, or heating system, getting it inspected can save you from all sorts of trouble. 

Neglecting it can lead you to pay for additional repairs and even property loss.

Another critical time to inspect venting systems is when upgrading your heating systems or buying a new stove.

An inspection will ensure that your systems are working to handle the new changes.

Lastly, when your fireplaces are not operational for over a month, like in spring. Getting an inspection before winter saves you from extensive repairs later.

Properly maintained systems are not only the most thoughtful choice but also help save money.

A well-made fireplace can provide you with both the comfort and aesthetic you are looking for.

Three Common Mistakes Chimney Sweeps Should Avoid During Cleaning

Now we know why chimney cleaning CT is required and how often you should do that. Here comes the big question, what needs to be avoided to ensure extraordinary results after chimney cleaning.

First and foremost, hire an experienced chimney cleaning service that is insured and certified with adequate tools and knowledge.

Over time, chimneys are prone to water intrusion, creosote buildup, and animal infestation. All of these things can lead to major structural damage to your fireplace over time.

When you have professionals taking care of your property, things are less likely to go wrong.

Trained chimney sweeps CT avoid the following mistakes.

Missing Chimney Caps 

It might look insignificant, but chimney caps have a significant role in keeping your system working.

It’s like the first shield that stops rain, moisture, and dust from coming in.

You must ensure that chimney caps are correctly installed, especially after a chimney sweep visit.

An unprotected chimney can be a nesting place for various animals and can lead to several problems.

A professional chimney sweep would know its worth and avoid making such a mistake as it can seriously impair the client’s chimney and puts a question on their credibility.

Ignoring the Walls Around the Chimney

A chimney sweep shouldn’t ignore the walls surrounding your chimney or fireplace. If the walls are damaged, it is easy to suspect moisture, which can cause hefty damage.

So it is vital to fix the wall before moving forward with chimney cleaning.

Leakage can ruin your chimney. Keeping an eye for paint chipping or bubbling for painted walls or wooden stuff around is excellent for your fireplace functioning.

A fireplace in the living room

Exposure to Carbon Monoxide 

Carbon monoxide is a hazardous, invisible gas responsible for nearly 430 deaths yearly.

Though chimneys are made to eliminate your exposure to the chemical if they’re backed up, they sometimes fail to do the job.

Therefore, a certified chimney sweep must inspect and fix issues that might inhibit your chimney’s ability to minimize carbon monoxide exposure.

Ensure Your Chimney Is In Great Working Condition

Your decided chimney sweep must avoid these common mistakes. Chimney cleaning is essential when caring for your home, and you must trust someone with extensive experience to do the job.

While you might prefer to take things into your own hands and get inside the chimney to conduct your chimney cleaning or inspection, this is a job you must leave to a professional service.

If you want a chimney repair service in CT, reach out to us. At CT Chimney Repair, we offer chimney cleaning, chimney liner installation, fireplace repair, fireplace remodeling, and installation services, and a lot more.

Call us to make an appointment, and we will give you free estimates, so you know where to start.